Terras Gauda International Poster Design Biennial
Francisco Mantecón Competition
2022 Winner

As the competition does not specify a subject matter, I limited myself to a use of a camera and working primarily with a physical bottle and one accompaning asset - which turned out to be paper. The aim was to create a tangible but also abstract piece, that would find a fundamental connection with the white wines and find an appropriate fit for the organizing brand, ie. white wines and fish and the nautical port history.

The fish-eye was a result of a few rounds of iterations around playing around with different abstractions around the bottle, light and shadows. One of the takes resembled a fish eye, something that's often a bit grotesque, in a quite pleasing way.

An effort was made to keep the piece in kind of limbo-state, where the viewer could subtly switch telling between physical bottle and the abstract image.

Tanel August Lind / t8d.xyz 2022

Terras Gauda 2022


Terras Gauda 2022
