Calliope - Muse of Epic Poetry
Calliope is the oldest of the nine Muses, and acts as their leader and representative. Being the oldest, she acts as sort of a maternal figure to the other Muses (whether they want her to or not), knowing that anything that reflects poorly on them reflects poorly on her, as well. She's strict and often hard-headed, not always the easiest to get along with.
As times have changed, Calliope dabbles in poetry in general as well as novels alongside epic poetry. She travels by turning into a bird, with feathers matching her dress. Birds often inspired her in her human life, and also played an indirect role in her death before becoming the first Muse.
Clio - Muse of History
As the Muse of History, Clio has the ability to travel through time. The only catch is that she can't go any further forward than the latest moment she, herself, has experienced. So, essentially, she can't go into the future, only the past. Most of the time she only visits and observes, but sometimes she's required to look into situations in the past to help solve problems in the present. She's also great at inspiring historical fiction.
Clio is something of an inventor/craftsman, and spends a lot of her time working on designs from old Renaissance masters. She travels by a set of wings based on Leonardo da Vinci's designs
Erato - Muse of Love Poetry
Erato, being one of the older Muses, has been split into several different beings in myth, including Aphrodite, Helen of Troy, and tons of fertility goddesses.   Her arrow necklace is a gift from Cupid, her son.  She's a bit of a meddler and much like the other Muses, is a huge gossip. She's also a frequent collaborator with Melpomene (tragedy) and Thalia (comedy).

Oh, and for fun she likes to give people awkward, naughty dreams.
Polyhymnia - Muse of Hymns
Polyhymnia is sometimes called "Poly" by the other Muses, as it's less of a mouthful. She's very kind and patient and often gives the best advice out of all her "sisters," though many don't choose to take it. Once she's made her mind up about something, it's quite difficult to tell her any different, but she's not quick to pass judgment and is the only Muse that isn't a huge gossip. She travels by her own ability to fly.
Melpomene - Muse of Tragedy
Melpomene is arguably the most important Muse, as every person can relate to her.  While she often helps mortals work through their personal tragedies by helping them create artistic and literary ones, she tends to inspire nothing but sorrow and insecurity for other mythical beings.
She's a drama queen who tends to cause trouble for those around her. It's a subject of debate among the other Muses as to whether or not Melpomene attracts or is attracted to tragic beings.
Thalia - Muse of Comedy
Comedy might seem like the complete opposite of Tragedy, but the pair have an understanding that one cannot exist without the other and that the world needs both of them in order to function.  This doesn't mean, however, that Thalia doesn't enjoy picking on Melpomene specifically.
She's a bit slow at times, and scatterbrained, but has her moments of brilliance and loves what she does.
Urania - Muse of Astronomy
Urania is arguably the easiest Muse to get along with.  She's very calm and unintimidating.  Mostly, she stays out of the drama that the other Muses get into, but is always happy to hear details about who did what to who and when.
She can read messages in the stars and serves as a messenger between the Muses and other groups.  She travels by flying across the skye like a shooting star.
Terpsichore - Dance
Terpsichore is the most active of the Muses, always fidgeting and moving around.  She loves fast tempos and is a very, very fast learner.
Being immortal, she's had all the time in the world to learn everything she could about any and all types of dance. I like to imagine her traveling the world to learn every culture's unique dances and styles. Her favorite, though, are the faster, more aggressive routines.
Euterpe - Muse of Song
Euterpe is the youngets Muse, and closest with Terpsichore.  She can and will listen to any and all genres of music and find something she enjoys.  Every couple years she goes through a new phase where one genre is her favorite, and ever since rock 'n roll became a thing, she's been hooked.
Being one of the younger Muses, she's a bit more rebellious and eager to try out more modern fashions.
Cupid - Love Deity
Cupid's mother is Erato, making the other Muses something like his aunts.  They're in a constant state of fussing over him and he's in a constant state of embarrassment thanks to them.
Cupid only ages a year every century, so for a very long time he was mentally an adult but still looked like a child.  This caused a lot of angst and frustration on Cupid's part, as well as all the popular depictions of him as an infant.  He's now gotten to the point where he looks like he's about seventeen and is so pleased.

He has two types of arrows, the gold to evoke desire and the lead to evoke rejection.  He usually wears a quiver attached to his side (his wings get in the way of one that would otherwise go on his back).
Arachne - Mythological Seamstress
Arachne, who was punished for believing her skills as a weaver surpassed those of Athena, the Goddess of weaving, by being cursed to weave for the rest of eternity.  As far as she's concerned, there could be wose ways to be cursed.
Magical beings need magical clothing that can withstand certain conditions and of course look excellent.  The Muses are Arachne's best clients and also some of her good friends.
Rowan Sawyer - Storyteller
Rowan was entirely content writing stories about fantastic beings having fantastic adventures while being pretty ordinary, herself.  She wanted to write and illustrate her own children's books.
Then the Muses came into her life, and turned it completely upside down.  All the Muses start off as a mortal girl with the power to inspire.  If their death causes enough of a stir to warrent immortality, Apollo grants it and brings them back as a full-fledged Muse.  This generation has Rowan as the Mortal Muse, and all she wants is for magic to become fun and make-believe again. 
Because the moment it became real, it became dangerous.
Re-Imagined Muses

Re-Imagined Muses

One of my personal projects is to develop a story around my re-imagined/re-designed Muses from Greek Mythology.
