Gregor Samsa is the lead character of Kafka's Metamorphosis, being transformed into a vermin overnight his life changes into a nightmarish loop. Gregor finally, in a way, breaks free from this loop of hate and disgust. 

This is a passion project of mine, I worked on this film when I needed a bit of motivation in my professional life, I was facing a burnout and was second guessing my choices in life. Making this film all by myself helped me get through the burnout and reignited my passion and love for film making.
The goal was to make something that felt like Kafka, like a brewing storm. That's how I aligned the elements in the film, Colorful, dreamy, visuals with a pinch of lovecraftian setting that feel like a calm before the storm. The music by Illuminine, Dear Dolores really helps set up the mood.

 Some shots from the film

Lots of fun compositing in After Effects

Thank you for your time, hope you liked the project.
You can see more of my experiments on my Instagram
