Fergal O' Connor's profile

Fox's Forest Homestead - Watercolour Diorama

There is a little cottage in the woods and in that cottage there lives an odd fox who keeps chickens and grows vegetables and wanders the woods while sampling mushrooms. He collects clocks too, he says he finds them in the woods or fishes them out of the ponds. Occasionally nomads and adventurers who have made their way along the winding paths that snake their way through the woodland pass by Fox and his old cottage. He’ll sometimes sell them eggs or sometimes mushrooms. It is said that Fox is rather peculiar and rambles away to himself in the woods.

This was a nice little piece I slowly worked on recently, there’s no focal point or real composition at work. It was simply a therapeutic lush green lavishing of charming details. It would be nice to be commissioned for more such work. I can imagine a much larger scene with a similar vibes or other scenes telling stories. 

The original piece is on 9.5 x 12.5 inches approx and was made with 2B Pencils, Micron Pens, Watercolours & Gouache paints and some minimal adjustments in Photoshop for the final image.

Enjoy! - Fergal (& Fox)
Finishing Touches
Checking out the scan in photoshop and making small adjustments to the levels.
Final Image
Thank you for making it to the end! I really enjoyed working on this piece and I hope you've enjoyed checking it out. I hope to make more similar little diorama-esque worlds in the future! c:

You can follow my work on instagram @fergalocoart

Fox's Forest Homestead - Watercolour Diorama


Fox's Forest Homestead - Watercolour Diorama
