Oleg Agafonov's profile

Architecture and History (illustrations)

Architecture and History​​​​​​​
the set Illustrations were created combinations hand-drawn sketches 
and digital tools for tourist concept
Ancient fortress with the white Towers (Pskov)


Ancient Castle (Isborsk)


The Middle Ages wooden church (Vitoslavlitza)


The catholic gothic church (Smolensk)


Sketches and drafts

Behind the wall (Smolensk)

The old orthodox church (Isborsk)


The white orthodox church (Velikiy Novgorod)

The white tower (Isborsk)

A line along the old fortress (Pskov)

The stonewall (Isborsk)

Sketches and drafts

The orthodox church (Pskov)

The path to old brick tower (Smolensk)

The bell tower of wooden church (Vitoslavlitza)

Sketches and drafts


The fire station (Porhov)

The orthodox churches (Velikiy Novgorod and Smolensk)

The end!


The project created:

Architecture and History (illustrations)


Architecture and History (illustrations)
