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Boost Your Creativity With These Tricks

Boost Your Creativity With These Tricks

Creativity is a trait that some people seem to have, while others may struggle to harness it. If you seem to lack the creative spark, that does not mean you can’t improve your creativity. Practicing creativity and using some of the tricks below can help ignite that creative spark within you.

Walking is an easy way to boost your creativity. A study in 2014 showed that people are more creative when they are walking than when sitting down. So if writer’s block or some other creative blockage hits you, going for a walk may solve the issue.

Rewarding yourself for producing creative works is another trick you can use to boost your creativity. The reward must be solely for doing creative work for this trick to be effective.
Creating distance can foster creativity. Imagine a problem or task is far away from you instead of near you. Studies have shown that when participants imagine issues in a distant location rather than a close one, the participants come up with more creative solutions and solve more problems. It may seem counterintuitive, but creating space in your mind for the issue you are trying to solve might help you develop a creative solution to the problem.

Creating an inspiring environment can help you come up with solutions. Try hanging up posters or artwork that can inspire you and help you think outside the box. The color blue has also been found to boost creativity. Researchers believe the color blue is associated with nature, which helps people feel more relaxed and calm. The calming effect might be responsible for the increase in creativity.

Daydreaming can increase creativity. Take some time off from everything. Don’t scroll the web or read. Just sit back, relax, daydream and let the creative thoughts flow.

Creating restrictions can help you find alternative ways of solving a problem. Again, this may seem counterintuitive, but restrictions can force you to develop new and innovative ways of looking for a solution. Reconceptualizing is another trick in the toolbox to spur creativity. Try looking at tasks in a different light or viewpoint. This can help you spot new solutions and ways of fixing the problem that you previously might have missed.

Strong emotions are a driver of creativity. This includes positive emotions such as joy and happiness and negative emotions such as sadness and anger. Channeling strong emotions can help you harness creativity and solve problems.
Boost Your Creativity With These Tricks

Boost Your Creativity With These Tricks


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