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The Benefits of Having a Hobby

The Benefits of Having a Hobby

It’s a good bet that people have engaged in hobbies for thousands of years. For example, it is well-known that the ancient Greeks pursued an array of hobbies outside their normal work routines. 

The Greeks hunted for pleasure and enjoyed pets of many varieties, especially dogs. Training bears to do tricks and perform popular among some people. Others followed crafty pleasures, such as making artistic pottery, weaving unique articles of clothing, or making fashion accessories, such as jewelry. Sculpting and wood carving were also popular.

Fast forward to today. The concept of the hobby is so deeply embedded in modern culture that few people question why anyone would take on this kind of activity. 

Psychologists state in no uncertain terms that adopting a hobby is a fantastic boon to do mental health. Studies too numerous to count have proven that having a hobby reduces stress, engenders better sleep, builds healthy social connections with like-minded people, and just flat out makes us happy.

Choosing a hobby that gets at the core of what you are interested in allows your inner psyche to express itself, when you do something that you love — not for money, not because you are required to — results in a healthy balancing of the overall psychology of an individual.

It is often said that people should seek to turn their hobby into a business if they can. That way, they could make money by doing something they love and would gladly pursue it even if no payment is involved. 

Although we hear this a lot, turning a hobby into a “job” is controversial and does not work out so well for everyone. The reasons for this are several, but the nature of conducting formal business procedures goes against what makes a hobby fundamentally carefree and enjoyable. Keeping any business afloat involves stress.

Shark Tank entrepreneur and multi-millionaire Robert Herjavik said that turning a favorite hobby into a job is “a terrible idea.” He said, “Work is Work, and a hobby is a hobby. They’re not the same thing.”

He added: “You can’t play at work.” 
The Benefits of Having a Hobby

The Benefits of Having a Hobby


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