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Dandelion: Personal Health App Design

UI/UX Design: Dandelion

Dandelion is an integrated platform of personal health, addressing the needs for healthcare education, virtual care support, and well-being.
The Problem
01 Seeing a doctor is terrifying for international students
Doctors are not scary, however, the 40 pages of insurance coverage pdf, ridiculously high price, and medical terminologies are indeed terrifying.

02 Health care literacy is a real issue
According to a survey by Policygenius, more than one in four people (27.2%) in the United States said uncertainty over their coverage had led them to avoid treatment. 
A quick survey among 36 international students shows that majority of them experience struggles in medical field.

They rely on crowd-sourcing for diagnosis; they need guidance and education about local healthcare system and insurance plan; language barrier is a major challenge.
Persona Maggie Choi covers shared behavior patterns and user characteristics among target audience. In the four stages of user journey, her pain points and needs are articulated respectively.
Takeaways from Competitive Audit​​​​​​​
A delightful experience: Friendly copywriting and visual design goes a long way in helping users ease anxiety and feel in control.

An integrated information platform: Offering multiple channels of information, including articles, health tips, community support, and etc. is key to building a trustworthy platform.

Easy healthcare onboarding: Transforming a complicated plan into a digestible form is essential to improve public healthcare literacy.

Product Positioning: Everything you need before visiting doctors

Trustworthy self-diagnosis support → AI symptom checker & Doctor-validated learning resources
Alternate & affordable medical care support → Doctor forum
Healthcare onboarding → Digestible interactive course, Smart search, Cost Estimate
Language and cultural bridge → Bilingual Mode, Tap & Translation
01 Symptom Checker

Refining user flow for a AI-power symptom checker, providing trustworthy references for users.
02 Health Report

The report summarizes essential information about possible conditions, health tips, treatments, and related content in forum&health article sections. Besides, users can download the report as a reference when they consult doctors or directly publish a question based on that.
03 Healthcare Crash course

The three-minute interactive course breaks down essential concepts in insurance plans into a digestible format.
04 Doctor Forum

Posting a question for doctors in the forum is an alternate and affordable option for target audiences. Both validated doctors and other users can answer questions, however, doctors’ replies will be emphasized.
Health Articles & Translation

The learn section provides curated articles about health and wellness, scenario-based language lessons, equipping users with reliable health information.


The name of “Dandelion“ evolves from a common flower Dandelion, which is also a type of herbal medicine. The visual identity is designed to be delightful, trustworthy, and caring.
View Interactive Prototype Below >

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Dandelion: Personal Health App Design


Dandelion: Personal Health App Design
