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ART 235 PROJECT 2 Great Expectations Book Cover

This is my "designers choice" version of the ART235 project for a book cover for the classic "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. 

This image on the cover is a London sunset, which is symbolic of Pip's "great expectation" of his life as an educated gentleman in London. 
I went with a simple gold coloured font and basic black cover. The colour of the print matches the gold of the sunset.
This is my "typography" version of the ART235 project for a book cover for the classic "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens.

This cover was set against a Victorian-styled wallpaper. This background is symbolic of Miss Havisham's home, Satis House. Miss Havisham was quite wealthy, and while Pip thought of her home as gloomy, this background represents the opulence that would have been found there.
The font on the cover is called "Victorian Decade" and its the demo version. I found that the student fonts, while excellent, did not have the victorian feel that I was looking for. The text is set against a backdrop of antique paper. 

This cover is very decorative and ornate, like the victorian time that the story was set in.
This is my "handmade materials" version of the ART235 project for a book cover for the classic "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens.

This is actually a photo.
First, the Victorian-themed frame is a stand-out. It is meant to look fancy and valuable. The photo set against the pink matte is supposed to represent Pip's love interest, Estella. In fact, Pips great expectations and his desire to become a gentleman all stem from his love for the distant and cold Estella.

The photo in this image is actually that of Ellen, or Nelly Ternan. She is said to have been the inspiration for Estella, and was in fact the mistress and companion to Charles Dickens.
This is a bonus cover version of the ART235 project for a book cover for the classic "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens.

I really liked it.
ART 235 PROJECT 2 Great Expectations Book Cover


ART 235 PROJECT 2 Great Expectations Book Cover
