World Cup Qatar 2022 - Powerd by YouTube

Think World Cup 2022

The FIFA World Cup is one of the top events in sports history, reaching a larger, more diverse audience than any other single-sport event. The World Cup 2022 will be held for the first time in history in the Middle East specifically in Qatar. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
To position Google but more specifically YouTube as partners for our advertisers, but also as a fun and excitable brand, we would like to create a one-of-a-kind World Cup experience.

Client: YouTube MENA
Direction: Mohamed Hafez
Design: Mohamed Hafez & Mohamed Wagdii
Motion: Abdallah Gipreel & Mostafa Sheded
Executive Producer: Mohamed Henedy
Video Editing: Ahmed Amin
Agency: TechyTypes

World Cup Qatar 2022 - Powerd by YouTube

World Cup Qatar 2022 - Powerd by YouTube

Think World Cup 2022 The FIFA World Cup is one of the top events in sports history, reaching a larger, more diverse audience than any other sing Read More
