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5 Second Fix vs Bondic

5 Second Fix vs Bondic – Comparison Guide

In today’s time, you will come across numerous brands that offer incredible solutions when it comes to glueing. In this article, we will be comparing two of the torch bearers of glueing arena viz 5 Second Fix vs Bondic.

In this article, we will be encompassing these differences between the Bondic Plastic Welder Glue and 5 Second Fix and figure out the better one.
Bondic is one of its own kind in the entire world. This liquid plastic can efficiently work at those places where glue fails to fix the issues. What is best about this is the fact that it does not dry unless you want it to. Using it is pretty simple. All you need to do is squeeze out the amount you want and then apply the UV LED light. In just about four seconds, the broken spot gets fixed, making it the quickest drying bond in the world.
5 Second Fix vs Bondic

5 Second Fix vs Bondic


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