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Infographic About Chinese workforce 当代打工人困境信息图表设计

从工业革命时代工会为了 8 小时工作制而抗争,到今天的 996,007,加班是每一代职场人都绕不开的话题。同时,从2018 年开始,“丧”文化和“躺平”等字眼在网络上出现的频率逐渐高了起来。快节奏的社会生活之下,越来越多年轻人不堪其压力,开始高喊“躺平”。这个项目将探讨当代打工人生活困境,号召大家关注工作和生活的平衡问题。

The Dilemma faced by the young chinese workforce
Infographic Design
In today's fast-paced society, overtime work is becoming more and more common in China, and more and more young people are overwhelmed by the pressure. Many concerns about the living conditions of Chinese working people have been disscussed on the internet. This project will explore the plight of contemporary workers and call attention to the issue of work-life balance.

English translated version
Infographic About Chinese workforce 当代打工人困境信息图表设计


Infographic About Chinese workforce 当代打工人困境信息图表设计
