I've been marathoning Daria a lot lately and I really love it! I would occasionally catch a live episode here and there over the years, but this is the first time I've gotten to sit down and watch it all in order! The characters are super great and also pretty damn relatable, even after all these years. Anyways, I felt like making some fan art!
I really love the idea of the two them just casually sharing music and headphones! It's is such a sweet yet special thing to do. It’s something I remember doing with my friends a lot back in high school, and those are the simple memories that I really treasure. I also felt like trying to stick with the shows style a little more, I really vibe with the way they draw eyes!


(Artwork shown © Allison Gajewski, 2022)
(Daria © Glenn Eichler, Susie Lewis Lynn, MTV 1997-2002)
Daria and Jane!