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Traverse: A Time Travel Holiday

Traverse : Time Travel 
Just imagine being able to travel back in time! Time Travel package holidays allow you to do just that. You pick the year and travel back to experience whatever you want: Woodstock, the first ever Olympics, the first Viking invasion, the fall of the Roman Empire. You can go as far back as you want. Of course you can’t change history, only travel and see. But how do you sell it?
Message: Time travel holidays are here. Book now. Book then.
Output: You can name it. Brand it. Sell it. Use any media you feel appropriate. A website, an app, short film, any promotional material, print or digital.
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Traverse: A Time Travel Holiday

Traverse: A Time Travel Holiday

The Brief set was part of a competition, The Roses, The brief i chose to follow was that of the time travel corporation. This gave me free range Read More
