In November 2021 I went to Fiumara D’Arte in Sicily, an open-air museum created by the patron Antonio Presti. It was a unique experience that filled me with emotions and inspiration Upon my return, this collection was born.
Small & Giant was inspired by the work La Materia Poteva Non Esserci by Pietro Consagra (1986) The original work is a majestic sculpture composed of two elements, leaning and parallel, coloured black and white, in a delicate harmony of empty and full. When I was going to visit the work, I began to see it from the road, small and isolated, and the closer I got, the bigger it became. It is like the perception of one's own problems that turn from small into giants and only with hindsight do we realise that it all depends on the perspective with which we look at things.
Days of Chaos was inspired by Pietro Schiavocampo's Una Curva Gettata Alle Spalle Del Tempo (1990). The original work consists of a concrete and iron monolith, placed at the edge of a curve, which curls in on itself imitating the movement of a sail struck by the wind.
It is here that I imagined not a light wind but a storm reproducing the chaos of the days I was emotionally going through. A black river of thoughts lost in a maelstrom.
The Way is inspired by Mauro Staccioli's Piramide - 38° parallelo (2010). It is a work that captures sunlight through a long slit in the surface, storing within its geometric interior the light reflections from zenith to sunset.
What struck me, however, is one particular detail: the completely dark tunnel that takes you inside the pyramid and symbolises the passage from darkness to light. I symbolised it with the black curves by feeling the path taken to get to the heart of the pyramid.
Zero was inspired by Il Labirinto di Arianna by Italo Lanfredini (1990). Those who enter the labyrinth ask themselves questions about their own existence, in a timeless place and dimension in which it is impossible not to think. The labyrinth is reflection, it is spirituality derived from a kind of 'motherhood', expressed in a concentric tangle of circles culminating in an aspiration to the sublime.
This is what I felt as I approached the route and which came to an end at the moment of my exit, when finding an enchanting panorama in front of me, I felt the bad mood leave as if that moment was a zero day.
Thank you for getting this far.
You can find more of my artwork on OBJKT by clicking here
Abstract thoughts

Abstract thoughts


Creative Fields