From this project I learned tips and tricks about playing, stuff I am doing wrong while playing, and played around with different levels of effects in Audition vs no effects. I got to practice with some quick recordings I did at home after I got my pedals set up and got to practice using them. I have had some hardware issues, but I got my recordings so that's what matters. I learned how strong and little extra effect should be applied, and I practiced mixing together different clips. I also learned how to stretch clips and change their pitch, which is useful if I played too fast or slow. I did research about how to organize pedals and effects, and how to improve myself when playing. Next week a plan to have audio to learn autotuning and apply it to my songs. While I was doing all of this I also was doing a build of In Bloom, one of my longtime favorite Nirvana songs. I built this song and used effects on the vocals, to exaggerate Kurt just a bit, just for fun. I also turned up the bassline and found a good balance in volume, which is important to every song. I think I have gotten the building of a song down, learned all the different ways to change volumes and sides, effects, cut, speed up, slow down, stretch, etc.

In Bloom (Build)

In Bloom (Build)
