Cheyenne Whitney's profile

Digital Media Warm Ups

1/21- Teeth Whitening
For today's warm-up, we were asked to whiten this woman's teeth. Luckily, teeth whitening is pretty simple. I started by using the lasso tool, and drawing an oval around her teeth. It's important that you grab all of the teeth, and it's okay if you select some of the lip, because this method won't affect the lip color. Next, go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation. By default, you will be editing the "Master" colors. Click that, and from the drop down, select "Yellows". Drop the saturation to -100, and feel free to add to the lightness if you feel the photo needs it. As for the background, I masked it out so that only our model could be seen. I then created a layer below hers, and added a gradient just to give it some flair. 
1/23- Face Retouching
Original Image

For today's warm-up, I was given a photo of a woman (the one pictured above) and asked to make adjustments to the original image to take a few years off of her. To get things started, I added a gaussian blur to her skin, leaving out her eyes, lips, eyebrows, hair and background. Then I touched up blemishes using the spot-healing brush, and a little bit of the blur tool. After that, I made shiny spots on her face look less shiny by using the eye dropper tool to select colors near the shiny areas, reducing the brush opacity to 15% and lightly coloring over certain areas. I was then instructed to give her "more natural looking eyes", and I did this by selecting the irises using the quick selection tool, and reducing the shadows from 35% to 15%. I then used the burn tool on everything except her neck, hair, and face to make them stand out from the background. Finally, I boosted colors using the curves layer. 
1/27- Changing Hair Color
For today's warm up, I was asked to change the hair color of the woman pictured above. To begin, I created a hue/Saturation adjustment layer and adjusted the entire photos hue and saturation to be a color I wanted for her hair. I then filled the adjustment layer with black, and then used a white brush to brush over the hair to make it show through the mask. I used varying levels of opacity for different parts of the hair. Finally, I adjusted the adjustment layer's mode and opacities.
1/29- Puzzle Effect
For this tutorial, I took a photo of a tiger, and made it look like a puzzle. I did this by copying the background layer (the picture of the tiger) and then placing a black layer between the two. I erased certain pieces of the puzzle, and other ones I used to pen tool to make a selection and remove the piece from the top layer. I then pasted the pieces on a layer above the tiger image, free transformed them to rotate them, and added a drop shadow.
2/3- Fantasy Eye 
For today's warm up, we were able to choose our own tutorial to follow. I chose to do this eye touch-up/fantasy make-up tutorial. To begin, I used the spot healing tool to hide any blemishes around the eye as well as touch up blood lines in the eye. From there I used to the dodge tool to lighten the eye. Next I used a couple custom black and white layers with different blending options to give it a more surreal look. From there, I colored the iris blue with a soft brush and changed that layer's blending option to color. Next I created a brush and brushed around the eye. Finally I adjusted the curves layer and added the pink splashes.
2/10- Owl Vector
For our warm up today, we were asked to create an owl vector from scratch. I created mine in Adobe Illustrator. I used the pen tool to draw most of him, and I used the elipse tool to draw his eyes.
2/18- Zombie Run T-Shirt Design
For today's warm up, we were told to create a design for a t-shirt. The t-shirt is going to be for a marathon in support of the Napa Police. It is "zombie themed" and the only requirements for the shirt is that it have some sort of zombie theme and have a symbol that relates to the police. I created the design by outlining silohuettes of a zombie and a man holding a gun. I then drew an elipse, and used the pen tool to create a line to be the ground. I then seleceted both shapes and used live paint to fill it in. I then wrote the text at the top, and outlined the text so it could be opened on any computer. 
3/10- Pathfinder Design
Today we were asked to use the pathfinder tools to create a clean design. The pathfinder tools we were asked to use were the unite tool and the minus front tool. The unite tool is used when you want to combine two shapes into one shape. The house is an example of where I used the unite tool. I united a square with a triangle to make the house. I used minus front to create the window and to create the circle design. 
3/12- Reunion Logo Recreate
Today we were given a JPEG of a logo and asked to recreate it in Adobe Illustrator with some minor changes. We were asked to create it without the distress and without that gradients on the wheat. We were not given any fonts or directions. I started by bringing the JPEG into Illustrator and using it as a template. I sheared the text to make it look slanted, and used the elipse tool to create the circles.
3/12- Reunion Logo Recreate
In extension to recreating the logo, we were asked to use colors that better represented the company. This was my chosen color scheme.
3/12- Logo Recreation
For the final step of our logo recreation, we were asked to create a black and white version of the logo.
3/19- Business Card Create
For today's warm up, we were asked to create a business card for a company without one. I used a vector of the logo made by one of the other students and then created the rest of the business card. I wanted to keep it simple.
4/2- Business Card Create

Today we had to create a business card using certain colors and logos. This was the design I came up with. I tried to keep it simple while sticking to the general color scheme and style.
For this warm up we created a swiss-style music festival poster using Photoshop. The tutorial can be found here.
For this we were required to use Photoshop to eliminate all signs of human life (or evidence of humans ever coming here). The original image can be found here.
For this warm up we were required to design a cartoon in illustrator. This is mine. 
For this warm up we were required to create a swiss travel poster. The tutorial can be found here.
The file corrupted. Will fix.
Digital Media Warm Ups

Digital Media Warm Ups

Warm ups for Digital Media.


Creative Fields