Colorism is the practice of discrimination favoring lighter skin over darker skin. The preference for lighter skin can be seen within any racial or ethnic background.

- Colorism affects one’s mental health
- The desirability of fairness is drilled in the young girls 
  of India at a young age because of social pressure.
- Preferences of lighter skin is more evident in arranged marriages where family openly        specify “fair skin” as a vital match criterion.
- Even at professional sphere, darked skin candidates are 
  less favored for higher paid jobs.
- Students with darker skin are more likely to be bullied.
- Attitudes like this have led to the booming demand for 
  skin whitening and bleaching products.

- Recognize within yourself
- Become role models for younger generations
- Be confident in our own skin
- Build courage to shut the people degrading you
- Create more awareness
- Teach colorism/shadeism to children
- Stop using fairness cream

TASK - Spread awareness to be confident in your own skin.


Some women tries to hide their natural skin tone by applying lighter tone foundation to feel confident. So to encourage women I made packaging reflecting the thought - Your skin color is perfect. WEAR YOUR COLOR WITH CONFIDENCE.

Stationeries are something which come in use on daily basis. So it seems to be the perfect medium to remind you through their designs. Hence trying to spread awareness through bookmarks, stickers, luggage tags, pop sockets. A daily reminder of such things is what seems to be the need of the hour.

A poster is a promotion of an idea, product, or event put up in a public space for mass consumption. The main purpose of these posters is to build courage and empower many minds to be confident in their own skin and not to let a single soul degrade or belittle your worth.

