This is a simulation for the Senet game.
I designed it for a module at my college, "UCC." The aim of the project was to advertise and rebrand one of the oldest board games in history. I chose Senet to let the people know more about our ancient culture. Also, Senet is not only an entertaining game but also contains spiritual meaning for the old Egyptians. The Egyptians were the first nation who believed in life after death. The journey of playing a game in order to pass to the other side and live in peace in the blessed life was only possible if you won the game and the game masters.
What really encouraged me was that the archeologists made lots of predictions for the game, and when I searched about it, I found that the game is available and people are playing it. So I decided to allow people to know more about it in a digital artifact.
Senet game Demo


Senet game Demo
