Charlie Fleet's profile

Cheerfully Funded Competition Brief

Proposed designs for an Art Print with headscarf design.
Cheerfully Funded competition 2022. 

What inspired my idea?
Whilst on an A21 'Walk for Freedom' in October 2021, as I was praying and worshipping God in my heart, I believe God gave me an idea close to the one I am working on here. Last Friday, as I was sketching out ideas, I believe God reminded me about the verse in the bible about sparrows.  As I read the scripture, Matthew 10 v 29 - 31 says, "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why even the hairs on your head are numbered.  Fear not, you are more valuable than any sparrows". I have used this bible verse as a point of reference in my designs.  For the enamel pin and notebook design. 

Originally I saw birds flying which resembled freedom, however since being reminded of this scripture, I have based the actual print design on sparrows, rather than white doves, that usually tend to resemble peace. 

When thinking about captivity and freedom, there isn't necessarily a beauty attached with captivity however it does reflect the aspect of living a life redeemed.  I've decided to use broken chains interrupted with a heart as a design for the headscarf print. 

Who is it for?
These items have been designed for ladies. In particular, those who receive great pleasure out of wearing headscarves.  Ladies who love to journal and are ready to sacrifice time in order to get closer to God by spending time in his word and journalling what she hears.  Ladies who appreciate well designed products, who're interested in art, fashion, illustration, and graphic design.  Ladies who are interested in living a more sustainable lifestyle or those who are already committed to living sustainably.  Equally ladies who may be struggling with a certain mental instability, or who have not fully grasped all of God's scriptures down in their heart.  These products have been designed for those that can be encouraged and reminded how precious, full of worth and how much God loves them. 

What materials will you be using to create your product?
The headscarf will be printed digitally, the A5 notebook will be created using recycled paper, the pin is created out of enamel. 

Why do you think my products should be chosen and funded? 
I believe wholeheartedly that I am being guided by God, in relation to the message spoken and the new surface print designs created from this place and therefore stepping out in faith, into an area of the 'possible unknown'. I also believe it's a beautiful range.  It encourages and uplifts. It's bright and cheerful. It will be an honour to see my work grow on this platform and as a christian lead designer. 

Please provide a tentative RRP for your product or range ...
Headscarf: 50 - 80.  Notebook: 9 - 15.  A4 Poster: 45.  Enamel Pin: 8 - 12.
How much money do you need to fund your products?
2000 - estimate. 
Design for an enamel pin: coming soon
Notebook/ Journal designs:
Cheerfully Funded Competition Brief

Cheerfully Funded Competition Brief
