
Hundreds of civilians from Mariupol have been hiding in "Azovstal" since the first days of the russian invasion. Ukrainian soldiers also are with them. For about 3 months, people have not been go out to sunlight and live in the dungeons of the plant "Azovstal".

They have ran of water and food.

And russian troops drop heavy bombs on the plant "Azovstal" every day. They know that inside the plant are hiding hundert people, including children and women.

On May 16, 53 seriously wounded soldiers were evacuated from Azovstal to a medical facility in Novoazovsk for medical treatment. Another 211 people were taken to Olenivka through the humanitarian corridor. An exchange procedure will be carried out to return them home. As for the defenders who still remain on the territory of Azovstal, Ukraine is taking rescue measures.

#SaveMariupol #SaveAzovstal


