Chanel Bratby's profile

Task 1 – Design Critique

Task 1 – Design Critique
Cussons’ Morning Fresh uses five different typefaces on their label. The first typeface is a bold, sans-serif font in all capitals. It is used for the product’s slogan at the top of the label and for additional information at the bottom. The second typeface is used for the product name. It is an all-capital display font since it features special embellishments purposely made for use on a larger scale. The third typeface is a bold, sans-serif font in all capital used in a tagline underneath the product name. The fourth is a script font used to identify the flavour of the product. The fifth typeface is used for product information such as the weight and company details on the back label.

These typographic choices have been made to lead the buyer’s eye through a hierarchy. They are intended to spot the product name first (typeface 2), and move down to typeface 3 towards typeface 4 for more information about the product where typefaces 1 and 5 have also been used.

This organisation of the information is supported by the treatment of the text. Firstly, the product name is large, bold and a deep shade of green for contrast which adds great value to the text, emphasising its importance. The tagline below it is bold white with a dark green outline. The contrast between its background and the prior heading identifies it as the next most important text. The second line of this text has been scaled down slightly for balance so it is not jarring. The colour of the script text is a more vibrant green to indicate the scent name which matches the colour of the lime image. The additional text in small and grey as this information is less important.  

Most of the text on the label is centre aligned since this works well to balance the elements in regard to the label parameters. The product tagline has been positioned to the right to make the design more dynamic and to add more value to the image in the centre.

Apart from text, other elements include a green gradient background with leaves with white spaces used for the text placement. There are two line elements used in red to frame the product name and draw emphasis to it. There is an image of a lime in the middle to identify the product flavour. A graphic of a waterdrop is used under the tagline to support the text.

I think the label for this product works. It has a clear hierarchy that works effectively to emphasise what the product is for. There is an identifiable colour scheme which has been used to enhance the hierarchy. The designer could have used at least one less font specifically for the middle white text since it appears to be an outlier. However, this draws attention to the text so this may have been the designer’s intention. Overall, the use of type and organisation efficiently communicates the product to the viewer and upholds a clean aesthetic quality for the brand. ​​​​​​​

Task 1 – Design Critique

Task 1 – Design Critique


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