Ivan Au's profile

Winter Survival Kit

The objective was to design a winter survival kit for stranded drivers appropriate for Canadian winters. The kit was required to contain the necessities to survive 24 hours without help, in addition to having bilingual instructions and packaging.
A few different packaging and organizing methods were considered, from stacking the contents in a rucksack to organizing contents by materials in different cases. However, these solutions all introduced needless levels of complexity to the package; considering the emergency situation in which the kit meant to be used, this is highly undesirable as it increases the time it takes to access the contents. By putting the contents in a single box, all the contents are immediately accessible to the user.
A different solution to packaging the contents, with organization by function.
Another attempt at organizing contents by function.
The final winter survival kit is packaged inside a waterproof plastic box.
The final kit contains blankets, jumper cables, a flashlight, 1L of water, a small shovel, ice scraper, matches, candles, first aid kit, reflective vest and reheatable rations for two with a heater pack.
A bilingual list of instructions was also included to instruct the user on the correct order of usage of the contents in the survival kit; along with an inventory of the contents.
The visual style was deliberately kept simple, in order to prevent distraction from the information being passed onto the user. A snowflake motif was used as it lends itself well to simple, non-distracting shapes. As well, red was chosen as the primary color as it is generally identified with medical or emergency kits.
An effort was made to keep the packaging as non-intrusive as possible, to facilitate easy opening, with belly bands and easy to remove labels making up the majority of the materials.
Each item is individually packaged, with bilingual labelling and instructions included on the package.
Winter Survival Kit

Winter Survival Kit

A 24 hour survival kit for drivers caught in Canadian blizzards.
