Viola Hoornstra's profile

Brandmanual & Designs

Year: 2022
Location: Netherlands
Client: The company Activate Bizz (which helps entrepreneurs start up their business) asked me to create a visual identity for them and use this to create a brand manual, interior design, product design, and communication design. 

Note: This project was done for a fictitious client, thus it will not be realized. It was done for education purposes.
Note: The writing in this project will be in Dutch, I hope that any international readers will still be able to review my work none the less. Also please be aware that this project was done in a short time, so things like the interior design aren't as detailed as I would like.
Please click on "Download this PDF" to view it or it will most likely be in bad quality!
Please click on "Download this PDF" to view it or it will most likely be in bad quality!
Project done by: Viola Hoornstra
Brandmanual & Designs

Brandmanual & Designs
