This is my project for the JDO Global 2022 competition where I got shortlisted! This was a great project and I thoroughly enjoyed coming up with a concept that can change the beauty world and inspire change!
What is Unbound?

Unbound is an aromatherapeutic solid fragrance that‭, ‬unlike other perfumes‭, ‬places a premium on total ingredient transparency‭. ‬We prioritise treating you and the environment with respect‭.‬
The issue

Due of the chemicals and pollutants used in the liquid‭, ‬Unbound discovered that many fragrances are extremely damaging to the environment and the human body‭. ‬It’s critical to raise awareness about fragrances’‭ ‬lack of transparency when it comes to their components and sustainability‭. ‬Many people aren’t aware that scents are really dangerous‭. ‬Phthalates‭, ‬which are compounds that make aromas remain longer‭, ‬are typically found in‭ ‬perfumes‭. ‬Cancer‭, ‬human reproductive and developmental damage‭, ‬endocrine disruption‭, ‬birth deformities‭, ‬and respiratory difficulties are only a few of the health hazards associated with phthalates‭.‬

Unbound is a brand that is accepting of everybody‭. ‬The solid fragrance isn’t for him‭. ‬isn’t for her‭, ‬it’s for you‭. ‬Unlike most perfumes unbound isn’t targeted towards a specific gender as we believe in equality‭. ‬Unbound has produced totally sustainable scents that can be customised to meet your mood‭, ‬such as the stress-relieving lavender‭ ‬and bergamot aroma‭. ‬Although there are some ecological perfumes on the market‭, ‬we discovered that many of them are way too expensive‭.‬

There will be no waste and no alcohol‭. ‬It’s simple to use and transport‭. ‬Long-lasting formula with skin-friendly components‭. ‬Because unbound cares about you and the environment‭, ‬we use organic products‭, ‬essential oils‭, ‬and fragrance oils‭. ‬The tin is designed to be refilled and reused‭. ‬The packaging is kept to a bare minimum and is completely recyclable‭.‬

I decided to create an aromatherapeutic solid fragrance collection to encourage the Gen Z generation to reconsider their purchasing habits and consider what may be damaging to them or the environment‭.‬

Taking a stand and empowering change

With GenZ being concerned about sustainability and wellbeing‭, ‬we’ve devised something just in time‭. ‬By switching from toxic‭, ‬overpriced perfume to unbound‭, ‬you’ll not only be helping the environment but also improving your mood with the aromatherapeutic smells‭.‬

