Seven Sins 

This is my final for my Graphic Process class, where we create compositions for each sin/virtue. The objective of the project was to display our ability to combine digital and analogue methods to create a document that can be printed successfully on a tabloid newspaper on 55gsm paper. All the photos use my own photography and includes found photography. This project was printed through newspaperclub.

This is the list of design requirements for the project:
Lust: found print / collage
Gluttony: typography based 
Greed: personal photograph, full color
Sloth: personal photograph, duotone
Wrath: found object
Envy: found image with hand written type
Pride: constructed image, type included

This cover, The Seven Deadly Sins, bookplates by the Russian artist Vladimir Zuev. From the collection of Richard Sica.
This image is the representation of what the seven sins are to Zuev and I was drawn in every detail he put into this piece.  
This was created by outlining the text and shape it with the way the pig's silhouette. I chose to do a pig because that is what came in mind when I read the gluttony's definition. I then put in names of things pigs make that humans eat which also points to our natural desires for over indulging. 
This image shows what it is to be blinded by material things. The model is crying because she wants more while she wipes her tears with hundred bills. 
I chose to represent the sin, pride, by having a bag of luxury goods and what could be a lifestyle one can wish to achieve. Pride isn't a sin until it is something that effects others, I laid out the piece like a crime scene hinting that a sacrifice was made to get that.  
Flipsnack of the entire collection. 
Seven Sins

Seven Sins


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