Gracie J Calla's profile

Project 4: Mailer Design

Project 4: Mailer

For this project I was asked to create a sponsored mailer for B Gallery for an exhibition of work by an artist from my assigned country. To begin I had to chose an artist and do research on them. I chose Akon from Senegal in West Africa. During this project, I learned about ink colors, varnish and experimenting with layout and typography. I really enjoyed this project because I feel that my final result looks more finished than other projects i've done for this class and making a mailer is something I would enjoy making again. I had a lot of trial and error playing with layout and figuring out how to make the post card but I feel like I learned a lot from this project.

I started by sketching out my layout idea for the mailer with a small quick sketch.
I then created the kind of example fold I wanted to use to help me figure which pages are where and how I wanted them to be seen.
Once I had that figured out, I began placing design into my document and messing with layout and typography.
I used this to help me design the actual mailer part of this project. I ended up being less complicated than I had anticipated and I enjoyed learning about the different design purposes of mailers.
Once I had a good idea of what my mailer would look like, I placed the varnish in in places that I thought would get the viewers attention. I decided to put it over the spike-y graphic elements to make my design pop even more.
Here is my final front and back of my tourism office sponsored promotional mailer. I'm very pleased with how this turned out and I had a lot of fun learning about Senegal, Akon and designing mailers.

Thanks for viewing my project!

Project 4: Mailer Design

Project 4: Mailer Design
