I was commissioned to design the characters for Vortex Kittens based on a brief provided and then create a style and look for all of the cards in the set. We wanted something cute, cuddly, friendly and welcoming for the characters, and we wanted the card artwork to be quite subtle in order for the characters to serve as the focal point. The ability cards we wanted to be dynamic and create a sense of story. Each Kitten in the game has 1 ability card related to their character or personality.
This kitten is named Marshmallow
This kitten is named Chairman Meow. I opted to go for more "corporate chairman" rather than "genocidal dictator."
This kitten is named Captain Sprinkles
This kitten is named Kiwi and based off of the creator's own pet cat. The only direction I received was that she loves to meow, hence the megaphone.
This kitten is named Lucifurr so I went with a cuddly twist on the classic genre of satanism.
The completed box artwork.
Vortex Kittens

Vortex Kittens
