A good portrait to me does a lot more than just show the subject...or maybe that's exactly what it does.  It shows them how they really are, what the dynamic of their personality is.  Past lighting and focus and exposure there is just a raw humanity that is a true challenge and a true joy to try and bring out in people.  Sometimes it's a success, sometimes not, but here are a few of what I think are some of the successes.
Greg and Dovile were a couple that worked at the same resturaunt as my wife and I did several years ago.  They got engaged and asked us to do their engangement shoot.  This was right around the time Avatar came out and 3D was back in so we had some 3D glasses laying around that we brought to the shoot.  I love the grittiness of the first photo (Nikon d40 at sunset, so really pushing the ISO) and the fact that you can just barely see Dovile's eyes playfully smiling behind the glasses.  It was an off the wall idea since we were doing a nature themed photo shoot but it worked out well and they both had fun with it.
My good friend Molly took 10 seconds to pose for this photo during a windy day on our college campus.  I was attempting to amass hundreds of student headshots for a collage project but ended up only keeping this one.  Molly has an inner strength and positive outlook on life that is just contagious and that quiet soulfulness comes out in this shot to me.  I don't know if it was around the time of this shot or not but I found out later that Molly beat cancer while we were at school together, and she's currently beating it again as I type this up.  That tough spirit just won't quit :)
A co-worker of mine asked me to take family portraits of her and her four children.  It was an awesome shoot and we got a lot of great images, but none as magical as these of her (then) youngest daughter, Brelle.  She was the sweetest little girl you could ever meet, full of wonder and energy.  Both of these shots were complete accidents, taken from the hip as she tore around on the tennis court we were doing a few shots on.  And when I say taken from the hip I mean it; I wasn't even looking at the camera!  Just goes to show anything can happen if you just keep clicking the shutter.
My almost 1 year old son, Aiden.  He has been teething lately and finally went down for a good nap today.  Couldn't resist taking this.
The couple pictured in this shot are our good friends Joe and Audrey Frank, amazing photographers and videographers themselves.  This was shot in Greenville, SC in Falls Park, where you can view this awesome tree growing halfway out of a hill.  To me, there is a lot of story to this image, from the wonder of what they are raptuously staring at to the names carved on the tree, vowing eternal love.  It's probably my personal favorite picture I've ever taken.
Personal trainer Garrett Tandy hired me to do a quick photo session for his new online blog.  We didn't have a lot of time to prep or shoot so we came up with the idea of doing some effects in post to create dynamic images.  I like this one mostly because the repetition really says a lot about the life of a personal trainer.  It's repetitive and grueling but the end result is always worth it.  I wish we more time to play with poses and motion for this image but it turned out pretty cool for a quick attempt.
All images © Andrew Coons Media 2014.


Portraits and head shots.
