Eli Neugeboren's profile

Birth Announcement

Birth Announcement
Print project announcing the birth of my boy Zachary

I knew I wanted to do something a little different than the standard birth announcement with some boilerplate layout from snapfish. Once I had the idea for the headline, "Front Page Noogs!" based on the nickname I've had since childhood, I knew what I wanted to do with it: A fake newspaper front page. This works doubly well since my wife Jennifer was a journalism major at Syracuse. She wrote the copy, I designed the layout, and my good friend, art-school peer, and talented photographer Sara Wasilausky was kind enough to come over for an afternoon to shoot some amazing pictures of our beautiful baby boy.

I added what I consider to be a few little Easter eggs around the layout. Because of the small type I think some folks may believe that it is dummy text, but it is the story of his birth. At the top under the name of the fake paper, where you'd normally find the edition and pricing, perhaps the weather, I put his vitals when he was born, time of birth, and even made a little onesie icon. The icon at the end of each part of the story, which is repeated larger on the other side of the piece are his initials, "ZD" overlain simply to create a street-like grid which I like to think of as a little nod to Mondrian.

Sara's work can be seen here: http://www.sarawasilausky.com/
Finished printed piece. Printed at Rolling Press down in the Gowanus area of Brooklyn. Zero carbon footprint press uses wind power and vegetable inks.
Front of piece.

Headlines are Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk BE, body copy is in Mrs. Eaves from Emigre, title is in Sabbath Black, and ornaments are from Filosofia.

Photos clockwise from top Sara Wasilauskly, Eli Neugeboren, Jennifer Neugeboren, Sara Wasilausky. Text by Jennifer Neugeboren.
Back of piece. photo Sara Wasilausky
Hed/Dek for the newspaper. See all the neat little details?
Monogram of "ZN"
Alternate monogram that did not get used. Might print this for his door.
Birth Announcement

Birth Announcement

Birth announcement for my baby boy Zachary.
