Magazine Project
Students were challenged to create a magazine that highlights their personal interests. SLOPED is a conceptual winter activity magazine made for those who love snow, slopes, and shredding. This first issue magazine showcases what innovative design can achieve. Focusing on every detail down to the punctuation, this magazine keeps the reader interested through design and content. The masthead for SLOPED pictured above is a clever way to use type as an image as well as turn a simple word into an interesting work of art. 
Table of Contents
Avoiding traditional forms seen used for the table of contents, I chose to map out the magazine on a mountain. This allows for readers to seamlessly ski through the pages. The map key also functions as a reading difficulty level, doling in purpose. 
Feature Opener
Feature opener sets the scene for the feature opener of the magazine. Much like the rest of the magazine, acts like a thought-provoking work of art. 
Spread 1
Spread 2
Spread 4
Spread 5
These are custom images I made to illustrate the effects global warming is having on the ski industry. To the left is a fire blower and to the right is a snow sprinkler. Learn more by reading the feature opener or help by donating to the Environmental Defense Fund. 
Institution: Tyler School of Art
Art Direction: Nathan Young
SLOPED Magazine

SLOPED Magazine
