We are creating a tool to effectively & efficiently network with people in virtual space.
Our inspiration in fact was the present hackathon scenarios itself. Working remotely, not only hinders communication between team members but also networking amongst members from other teams during the Hackathon.

What it does:
The essence of any hackathon is networking. A lot of time is spent in finding the right people. So, we developed a solution to efficiently network by filtering out people based on their roles, skillsets, and areas of interest. Hackers can also send 'intents to meet' to fellow hackers quickly.

The spirit of MIT's Hackathon is to bring people together organically based on their ideas. To keep this ethos alive in the virtual world as well, we created a virtual idea board, that you can place anywhere in the space. Other hackers can come and vote or comment on it. Thus, leading to forming better teams. These idea boards can be exported and archived by the organizers.

While meeting multiple people, keeping track of conversations becomes a challenge so we plan to introduce a tool that can capture certain parts of key conversations and embed them into a 'moment card'. These cards are personalized with a photo of hackers involved and can be revisited later even post-event.

How we built it:
1. We noted the problems we faced as remote participants on both an individual as well as team level.
2. Our findings: Networking is the fundamental difficulty if worked on, will improve the overall experience significantly.
3. Dividing the team into research & design and development team to manage time & work parallelly.
4. Development team built basic infrastructure for a multiplayer virtual experience in VR and desktop.
5. The design team researched and ideated to find out the problems faced by online participants and mentors. The team converged on a few key problems which seemed feasible & were within the scope of this hackathon.
6. The R&D team designed the solutions for these problems and converted them to modules to be implemented by the dev team.

Challenges we ran into:
1. Efficiently managing the team in a remote setting.
2. Keeping the motivation alive.
3. Figuring out a way to be focused & work without prior obligations and distractions.
4. Collaborating amongst a bigger team is a challenge as we want the whole team to be on the same page.
5. Implementing ideas became a challenge because of the limited scope and time of the hackathon.

1. Unity 3D
2. Photon Pun 2
3. Oculus
4. C# Scripting

