Bosanska Vila

"Bosanska vila" (Bosnian Fairy) was a highly-respected Bosnian magazine for literature, culture and social issues, and one of the oldest magazines of its kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first issue was published in 1885, in Sarajevo, by the Serbian Cultural-Educational Society "Prosvjeta", with a subheading "a magazine for entertainment, instruction, and literature." In almost thirty years of its existence, it brought together writers, poets, academics and scientists advocating democratic values, tolerance, national and cultural unity, and rejecting national exclusivity. The magazine’s publishing ceased in 1914, on the eve of the First World War. After eight decades- in 1994, SPKD "Prosvjeta" - Sarajevo relaunched "Bosanska vila", a newspaper for science, culture and social issues. The magazine is published quarterly, and each issue brings new themes and voices.

Client: SPKD "Prosvjeta", Sarajevo, BiH
Services:  Magazine design 
Floral photography: Annie Spratt
Printed matter photography: Tatjana Zlatković

Our studio was entrusted with the design of the issue 75-76 from October 2019. Inspired by the concept of fairy-tales which is rooted in the magazine's name, our approach was to lean on the language of symbols and esotericism mimicking the poetics of its early issues, with a contemporary twist.

Pictorial scenery, floral patterns, details from etchings and tarot symbols are dispersed throughout the issue, supporting the miscellaneous textual and visual contributions.

The magazine is printed exclusively in Cyrillic from numbers 7-8, and for us this meant expanding the field of play with typographic elements, delving into the eclectic character of this intricate script. Remaining faithful to the tradition, while experimenting with modern layout features was an exciting challenge.

We spent some time studying the earlier numbers, especially from the beginning of the 20th century in order to nail the unique sensibility of the Fairy, eventually letting our imaginations wander, adding bits and pieces that would conceptually and aesthetically continue that tradition.

Bosanska Vila


Bosanska Vila

"Bosanska vila" (Bosnian Fairy) was a highly-respected Bosnian magazine for literature, culture and social issues, and one of the oldest magazine Read More
