Zweckorientiert. Werbeagentur's profile

LimnoScenEs [visuelles Konzept & grafische Umsetzung]

Plakatgestaltung | Postergestaltung | Grafikdesign
[Grafische Darstellung der Ergebnisse dreier Stakeholder Workshops und ein weiterführendes Plakat für den vierten Workshop, welches die Notwendigkeit der Transformation darstellt.]

Universität Osnabrück - Forschungszentrum Institut für Umweltsystemforschung

Research project "Developing improved social-ecological scenarios for biodiversity and ecosystem service changes in north temperate freshwater ecosystems over the next half century"

"Freshwater biodiversity is under pressure from global and local stressors, such as heat waves, storms and local pollution, whose combined impacts are highly uncertain. Stakeholder learning is essential to develop adaptive strategies for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES) in the face of continuous change. The need to understand the complex nature of freshwaters and to consider trade-offs among ES over time in management is increasingly acknowledged.

This project aims to support water managers in developing adaptive measures against stressors from climate change, as well as for managing trade-offs among freshwater based ES and biodiversity. It runs from February 2019 until December 2022."

LimnoScenEs [visuelles Konzept & grafische Umsetzung]

LimnoScenEs [visuelles Konzept & grafische Umsetzung]

Visualisierung von Forschungsarbeiten | 4 Plakate Ziel war die Umsetzung der Ergebnisse des LimnoSceneEs Projekts in grafische Darstellungen auf Read More
