Ranjana Sehgal's profile

The Community People

The Community People (TCP) is meant for users who want to give their free time towards the community and want an easy to use app for the same.

Some providers having issue with selecting the services they want to provide, that are not listed among the options.

Providing users with more services of their choice.
Started by conducting the research on users
who had difficulty finding services of their choice, and also
those who were exploring their interests.

Most of the users wanted more options
to be provided in the list of services available, especially those who
had limited free time to spare.

Users with limited free time not having many options to
provide community services.

Preparing digital wireframes helped develop
scope for future corrections before the final designs.
Initial designs
Adding "find out your interest' as an option for users who want to explore their interests.
Providing with more options and combinations of days of weeks and other preferences to make it easy to select for users with very limited time.
Homepage to attract more users, with a variety of interests.
Many ways to get your ID submitted and verified, in order to finish
the registration process.
Adding 'others' to the list of options
in order to help those who could not find their choice of
service listed.
Users were satisfied with the final designs. Some of the
users found the ‘weekdays/weekend’ option really helpful,
with their busy schedules.

What I learned:
I learned that a design can always have a scope of
improvement, by finding out the design problem during the
usability study.

Responsive web design and tablet design.
The Community People

The Community People


Creative Fields