This mini bar is inspired by wine barrels, where wine producers would store wine in large barrels. In this case, I thought it would be fun to create a barrel that stores bottled wine with wine glass, similar to a minibar.

I ensured that the model is able to function from the opening and closing of the door. To make the model more interesting, I made it so that when opening the door, the wine bottle holder will also rotate to allow ease of grabbing the bottles.
​​​​​​​Below would be the blocking of the model.
After the blocking stage, I unwrapped the UV to be brought to Substance Painter for its textures.
The main points of the texture i want to focus on is abit of rust of the metal parts of the barrel, indicating long term  usage and exposure to humidity. The screw which holds the wine bottles also have some wearing from humidity and cooling in the interior of the barrel bar. Overall, the barrel is made of wood, like a barrel.
Below is the Barrel Minibar with its complete textures.
Minibar Barrel


Minibar Barrel
