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Best Holiday experience of kayaking

                                   Best Holiday experience of kayaking
If there have been just two things that have forever fascinated man- it’s flying in the skies and sailing in the seas. Being able to do so has drastically altered human history. Be it small rudimentary sailboats or the larger ships,  riding on the ballooning waves sitting comfortably without the fear of drowning is and will forever remain one of every human being’s fantasy. Now imagine doing that alone. Not everyone can sail on a ship in the high seas. The closet one can come to experiencing that adrenaline rush is in the gushing rivers in a kayak. We all have seen this tiny ‘boats’ that we call canoes or kayaks.
The difference between the two is that a canoe moves when one uses a single paddle oar while a kayak uses one that has two paddles on either ends of the oar. Kayaking has fast emerged as a favourite water sport in the recent years owing to its almost Zen- like spiritual feat combined with the fast pace of the waters in which you sail. What started with the Inuits or the Eskimos of the North Pole using drift wood or sometimes the skeletons of whales, has today become a major water sport.
What is Kayaking
To know more about what is Kayaking, one doesn’t have to delve deep but search for options online. Kayaking in India is available at some limited locations, especially in the rivers like the Mandovi of Goa, the Ganga, the Zanskar river of Leh, the Kerala backwaters or the rivers of the East like the Teesta and the Brahmaputra. Kayaking can also be enjoy in the seas, however, owing to its small size, most amateurs prefer to sail in rivers for safety purposes.
Once you set out searching for Kayaking adventures near me, you will be expose to few avenues, key among them being the Kayaking adventures in Dandeli. At Whistling Woodzs Resort, Dandeli, one can enjoy the best Kayaking experience in this part of the country.
Kayaking in white water rapids is an altogether different adventure which one can enjoy at Dandeli in the gushing waters of the Kali river. The river which flows through the tapering ends of the Western Ghats boasts of several rapid which provide tremendous scope for riding on the rapids being seat in the Kayak.
Kayaking at Whistling Woodzs
At Whistling Woodzs, one can enjoy this water sport being assure that one can be utterly safe at all times. Thankfully, the entire stretch of the river Kali bordering the Whistling Woodzs Resort is peppers with the right number of rapids for the white water rafting adventure and long swathes of calm steady waters, so ideal for kayaking. When one opts for Kayaking at Whistling Woodzs, you are greet by a trained and helpful staff.
They will demonstrate the use of the Kayak, all the safety precautions and the method of paddling. Only then are you equip with the safety jacket and helmet to jump into the kayak. This small boat makes you feel like you’re sitting in the Pilot’s seat of an airplane, the cockpit. Holding the paddles, you are fastened to the kayak and you set sail on your adventure near the calm waters. Paddle on both sides so that the kayak moves ahead. Change the direction of your paddling to turn the kayak. Move ahead to the other bank, row back and forth or simply halt in the middle of the river to look around. You will find yourself surrounded by waters, beyond that the trees, the chirping of the birds, some more flying over your head and the stillness of the whole moment. Isn’t it truly spiritual?
Who is it for
All adults without any serious medical condition can hop on to the kayak and enjoy it. Since it involves sailing with a partner, you are better equipped. Two persons can start with the kayak with paddles in each one’s hand. The two of you can synchronize your paddling to keep the kayak moving in the same direction. Kayaking is for those who want to spend some quiet time on the river, those of you who love the solitude of nature. It is also for those who love the waters and have already experienced the adrenaline rush of the white water rafting and now wish to experience something quieter. The calming effect that paddling your own boat gives you, leaves  a deep impact on your mind and rejuvenates you completely. You would see all the people reluctant to come back after a session of Kayaking.
What you would love the most about all the water sports ar Whistling Woodzs is that they are all eco friendly and most do not use electricity. The kayak, the boat or the raft, do not make use of any kind of fuel and run only on nature’s own power- the gushing waters. Using your own hands and your five senses, you take charge and move ahead. That is so much like our own lives. Even in the moving waters, you can keep yourself in control of the speed and the direction.
That is a beautiful feeling altogether. Kayaking in India has gained popularity for several years now because it is an enjoyable water sport. Kayaking adventures involve taking care of total safety and thorough knowledge of the water body. For all its glorious asset of the river Kali, Kayaking in Dandeli has become a much sought after recreational adventure activity. Dandeli can be reached directly from several key cities like Belagavi, Hubli, Panaji (Goa) by air, road and rail. Guests can opt for kayaking and avail of the brief training before you launch your trip. That makes things all the more safe and easy.
You can always go back for a second round of kayaking if you have not had your heart’s full. Do it at different times of the day, even at noon, to experience the sun bang on top of your head and your shadow totally disappearing. At that time, you can also peep inside the waters and look beneath the crystal clear waters.
Best Holiday experience of kayaking

Best Holiday experience of kayaking


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