Priyankar Mukherjee's profile

Fragrancia - Body Soap Label Packaging Design

'Fragrancia' is a company that manufactures luxury, sophisticated and expensive toiletries. 

So, they generally target the elite of the elites. When we were commissioned for designing their soap packaging for 'Fragrancia' we decided to give it a polished and classy look and feel.

During our session of market research and brainstorming, we agreed to play with illustration and pastel shades of earthly colors. The use of such colors will give the packaging a natural and organic look, which it is actually made of.

It is a very essential characteristic for any toiletry or cosmetic brand worth its name.
People these days prefer products that are made up of absolutely natural elements.

If you take a look at the packaging, you will find that the color contrast played a huge role in shaping up the packaging. You will also find that there's a lot of breathing space in the design.

Very minimal artwork, with lots and lots of white-space is giving the entire packaging a very elegant look. This is exactly what we wanted to achieve.

Do let me know how you feel about the design. Is it successfully giving a very natural yet posh look and feel that we intended?
Fragrancia - Body Soap Label Packaging Design


Fragrancia - Body Soap Label Packaging Design
