Jenna Krauss's profile

Rules of Composition

Rules of Composition Photography
This was an assignment for my Photography course.  We had to take pictures using all of the composition rules that our professor listed for us!
Rule of Thirds
I really like how this photo is split up into three sections, the grass, Poyda and the blue sky!  The crazy geese definitely add so interesting detail in the picture too.
Golden Ratio
I would have loved to have a prettier object to photograph in the lake, but I will note that the contrast between the orange buoy and the reflection of the sky of the lake is really nice.
Leading Lines
I saw the shadow on the building and thought that it was really pretty.   Because the building hits the bottom of the frame, the lines in the architecture lead your eye up to the sky.
I wanted to not only learn more about shooting manually by challenging myself to photograph in constantly changing light conditions, but I also wanted to get a really nice shot of the light on the lead singer.
Frame within a Frame
 I walked into the gazebo and I instantly saw this Frame within the frame shot!

Another shot of my amazing boyfriend!  I don’t remember exactly what I said before this picture, but I think I complimented him and then he pointed at me to compliment me but I snapped the picture right on time!  I like the slight cool tones in the grey shed and the contrast with the warm tones in Danny’s sweatshirt.
Fill the Frame
I was struggling to find something visually interesting enough to fill the frame with but when I looked at the top of the gazebo I thought it was perfect!
Center Dominant Eye
 I had to take this one inside because he has transition lenses haha.  But I told him that he should act dramatic and I would tell him to look into one of the cameras and then if it wasn’t the camera that I was currently using then I had him look at a different lens. I think it came out pretty good for my first time shooting one of these types of photos!
Patterns and Repetition
I saw the bark on this tree while on a woods walk for my Honors class.  It reminded me of the Celtic Knots I had learned about in History and Principles of Graphic Design and I wanted to capture that.  I think it turned out pretty good!  This tree is some sort of tree from Norway according to my professor.
Symmetry and Asymmetry
I wanted to capture the reflection in the lake to show symmetry but I also wanted to use the uneven and asymmetrical landscape to show both symmetry and asymmetry in the same photo.
Rules of Composition


Rules of Composition
