She Gaming / Pony Malta

En un mundo deportivo dominado por los hombres, las mujeres gamers encuentran pocas oportunidades para sobresalir en el ámbito profesional. 
Para generar un ambiente competitivo más justo, creamos el primer equipo femenino de gaming en Colombia.


In a sport world dominated by men, women gamers doesn't find opportunities to standing out in professional ambit.
To generate a fairer competitive environment, we created the first female gaming team in Colombia.

BRONZE / Content: She Gaming / Pony Malta - 2023
BRONZE / Community Building: She Gaming / Pony Malta - 2023


Diego Muñoz - Creative VP
Juan David Pardo - Creative VP
Guillermo Siachoque "Memo" - Creative Director
Jorge Eliécer Pinto "Pupo" - Creative Director
Nicolas Ruíz - Art Director 
Roger Gonzáles - Art Director 
Sebastián Buriticá - Copywriter 
Sara Paz Bolaños - Copywriter 
Jenn Boshell  - Digital Manager
Tonka - Producer
Mullen Lowe SSP3 - Agency

She Gaming / Pony Malta