Concept Art: Balor & Lua
Application Used: Adobe Photoshop
This is the story of Lua a cute hippopotamus that had the duty of raising the moon every night. But one day she treads into the dark forest. Hungry, she ate the pomegranates that grew there. That's when Hades appeared, “How dare you eat my pomegranates without permission?”. Lua tries to apologies but Hades went on “As punishment you shall become my warrior whenever I need you”. Since then it is said that whenever the moon is not in the sky Lua is transformed into Balor a grotesque warrior of darkness, answering Hades’s call.
Mood boards were made for the character.
3 sketches were then made.
The first sketch was chosen and was developed on.
A spreadsheet was then made for the characters.
Poses were then planned out for the composition.
The second image was chosen and a mood board was done for the pose.
Final Image
Balor & Lua

Balor & Lua
