Bringing playfulness and delectableness to homes during pandemic lockdown
While the collaboration between Hoshun Sushi Kaiseki and Playte was the restaurants’ shot to find much-needed earnings during the pandemic, it was also a chance for their customers to enjoy delectable meals at home, prepared by seasoned chefs.

The idea, art design, and execution were done by The High Grind founder Wendy Loh. The thank-you card that came with every purchase was designed after the five colors of kaiseki, the Japanese traditional multi-course meal.

Each color represents a different season. In kaiseki cuisine, chefs often try to incorporate five symbolic colors into their food by using ingredients from each season: green ingredients from spring, red from summer, orange from autumn, blue from winter, and yellow from all seasons.

Wendy unified the colors on the thank-you card to create a pop-art color scheme. The font chosen for the card had a hint 8-bit style. The design aimed to invoke a little bit of playfulness during the pandemic.

Period : July 2021
Brand: Hoshun  |  Playte
Campaign planned and designed by: The High Grind
The sales during the campaign had increased Playte’s revenue by 235%.
The four-month long campaign had helped both businesses to float during the lockdown. Not only did the collaboration merge both restaurants’ manpower and other resources to reduce operating cost, but it also allowed both businesses to tap into each other’s audience on social media —ultimately increased takeaway sales collectively. Hoshun Sushi Kaiseki managed to reduce their operating cost by 30% while still being able to run their kitchen in full force despite the earlier retrenchment. 

As for Playte, the collaboration reversed their customer churn rate (customers dropping out of patronage). Leveraging on Hoshun Sushi Kaiseki’s followers on social media had given Playte a chance to reach out to more people, vice versa for Hoshun Sushi Kaiseki. The sales during the campaign had increased Playte’s revenue by 235%.

Check out the concept behind the campaign here.

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Hoshun x Playte


Hoshun x Playte
