Perugina Business
Website for Perugina b2b
This website has been released in the end of March 2011. 
We create a tool for Perugina Business Clients to manage their business gift: the website displays Perugina's Gift catalogues and the user can search and save informations about the products and prices or/and send requests to Perugina dealers.

I worked on the graphic layout of the internal pages focusing on the interface design wich was the main part of the job, due to the huge amount of contents and functions implemented on this website. I have also been involved in the fine tuning of the content and navigation layout, in order to obtain the best user experience for our target.

The website has been developed for iPad use too. 
(for the slideshow on the home page we used jQuery instead of Flash)

The website link:
Perugina Business

Perugina Business

Website for Perugina Business
