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KoshyBlue Visual Identity 丨 By Zoey

Service丨品牌命名 / 品牌梳理 / 标志设计 / VIS识别

KoshyBlue 意为“纯粹的蓝”,代表着没有杂质的全心全意的专注。他们专注于家具照明,厌倦了当下市场千篇一律的北欧式的寡淡,希望用更未来更科技更纯粹的方式切入新一代消费者的生活。
我们与KoshyBlue合作开发了一套整体的品牌体验,包括他们的品牌名称和视觉识别,每个品牌接触点都需要传递KoshyBlue的理念:Catch Light Of Future。

KoshyBlue means "pure blue" and represents whole-hearted focus without impurities. They focus on furniture lighting, tired of the same Nordic style in the current market, and hope to use a more future, more technological and purer way to cut into the life of a new generation of consumers.
We worked with KoshyBlue to develop a holistic brand experience, including their brand name and visual identity, and every brand touchpoint needed to convey KoshyBlue's philosophy: Catch Light Of Future.
In the overall brand design, rigor and order are our consistent guidelines. Based on this, we have set a precise and strict grid system for KoshyBlue so that the subsequent materials can be fully extended. The geometrical division makes the lamps and lanterns light and flat, and finally uses the method of light and dark division to express the logo. And this visual rule also continues to the design of fonts and subsequent text arrangement, color segmentation, etc., as the design principles of the entire KoshyBlue. The organic combination of segmentation dislocation and strict order constitutes the brand aesthetics of KoshyBlue.
KoshyBlue Visual Identity 丨 By Zoey

KoshyBlue Visual Identity 丨 By Zoey
