MOLN - Work for the Municipal Library of Mönsterås, Sweden
The municipal of Mönsterås, Sweden opened a new library during 2013. The library contains a childrens room built to be used for storytelling. The contract to design the room went to the swedish artist Bengt Johansson. The staff however discovered after a while that the room missed a natural place for the storyteller to sit and read to the children. This was the start to the project ”Moln”. The mission was to design a chair that fitted into the environment that Bengt Johansson had created. The chair should give the impression of a natrual gathering place. The chair is a one-build and more of an artwork then a comersial item. ”Moln” is the swedish word for ”cloud” and that is the main inspiration for the shape of the chair. The other inspiration used for the project is the tale of Narnia and specificly the ice qeeens throne. 


The municipal of Mönsterås, Sweden opened a new library during 2013. The library contains a childrens room built to be used for storytelling. The Read More
