The assignment was to make a building. a museum in my case. But since i wanted to make all the assignments this semester in the same vibe i decided to also make this museum in outer space. with the same pinks purples and gold. it was a huge challenge to figure out what kind of things to display in the museum and how to make it clear the building was a museum... enjoy my struggle :) 
by the time i started researching museums and artifacts i decided i wanted to do an outdoors museum. with pillars walls and sand.
i wanted to keep the colours simmilar to my envoirement assignment and so i made a pallette based on that. soft pastel space colours like purple pink and soft yellows.
this last sketch is from my sketchbook. i wanted to merge the water vehicle into this assignment at first but made up my mind since i am not great at 3d modeling and i already had to make many artifacts.
i went into 3d moddeling with fear for my life to be honest. but i ended up actually liking the process. i think i got the hang of it at some point. the lineart was of great help!
feedback consisted of mostly tips on how to make things in 3d. like sand dunes. i also got the suggestion to make a lineup of all my objects instead of the composition wich was really helpful so i could arrange it later. i also had to make sure the floating tips of the piramids were clearly visable since they would vanish against a busy or white background.
playing with the setting in sketchfab was a blast though i had no idea what i was doing.
i managed to make the colours look really vibrant and pretty!
here is the model, enjoy!
buuutt after all that i ended up getting a v as a grade. i was fine with that but wanted to try and improve it anyways. my feedback was to make the composition and vibe look more like my number 9 consept.
i used what i learned with lights on my weapon set to make a glowy fantastical sene with the correct colours.
i decided to this time make the sketchfab model black and white for better contrast and less confusion.
building (2d- 3d)

building (2d- 3d)
