
This piece represents a utopia where humans are gone, critical ecosystems are restored, and the Earth has reclaimed itself, no longer disintegrating because of climate change and overpopulation. What may be a dystopia to humanity is a utopia for planet Earth. Individual images have been carefully placed together using digital compositing to create a beautiful world distant from our own where animals peacefully coexist in harmony, with the threat of humanity long extinct. Images have been selectively layered so that the scene appears overgrown and towers over a lake in the center where a dam is being built. The Raleigh skyline can be seen in the background, acting as the only hint for what was once there. There are a plethora of animals interacting in the scene to showcase a thriving ecosystem, from birds in the sky to deers on the ground to ducks in the pond. The darkness of the edges of the piece contrast with the rainbow arching in the sky. Light has returned and given life to an abandoned place. All is well.




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