The ordinals of each letter in alphabet from each word of six add together, and sorted in ascending order which is Awareness-4 , Perception-6, Justice-3 , Trinity-5, Heaven-1, Ascending-2, it indicates the scrambled order of ADFGVX matrix.
The symmetry of graphic and its message of twin flame indicate that ciphertext needs to be folded and double traced coordinates from the matrix.
Write down the coordinates of ciphertext in the matrix into two columns, and made first column is the ordinate, second column is the abscissa as a new order to trace back into the matrix. And the solution is the ciphertext of next encryption: Alberti wheels.
The symmetry of six pictures and the emphasized Trangle indicate the number 2 and 3,
The word “twin flame reunion” is the text key.
The decryption method of Alberti wheels is Rot1 to 2, Mul1 to 3. Key1 is "twin", Key2 is "flame" .


This is a private one, consists by three parts: ciphertext, keys, and decryption method. An innermost words, encrypted layer upon layer, and all Read More
