A tiny speckle of light gently peeking behind a row of coconut trees as the sun rises and ignites a colorful glow on a giant crowns off the coast of Selayar. A group of children are seen running along the wooden deck as the sea breeze blows an fluttering sound off the waving petals. The wandering path sitting just right above the crystal clear waters invites you further into the journey, right into the heart of Selayar Lookout, the embodiment of Indonesia’s breathtaking natural beauty. The 13-meter wide circular structure invites visitors to experience an intimate dialogue with the surrounding landscape through it’s unorthodox symbiosis upon materiality.


The journey started at Kahu-Kahu Beach, west of Bontoharu, where visitors will take a 150m walk along a wooden deck to enjoy cool breeze and fascinating scenery. Upon arriving at the Pavilion, the flooring material slowly transforms into a transparent layer, where you’ll be welcomed by Selayar’s richly diverse underwater biodiversity. Keep walking along the path and suddenly you find yourself being casted by a colorful explosion of light, a magical phenomenon made possible by embracing the extensive tropical sunlight and letting it go through a transparent multicolor polycarbonate “petals” that envelops the skin of the structure.


The colorful glow enlivens the by-the-water seating area below where visitors can wet their feet or enter the water for a quick snorkeling. Right after this area, the path starts to climb toward the upper deck, where visitors experience walking along waving petals that generate a fluttering sound from the incoming sea breeze. A couple more steps and we finally arrive at the highest end of the path where you can try free jumping towards the sunset. At the end of the day, we can enjoy the colorful night light as we walk toward the shore.


Presentation Board:   Lotus Selayar Viewing Platform


Category Pavilion
Project Year 2020
Author(s) Abraham Chintianto
Status Academic Project
Lecturer(s) Achmad Hery Fuad, Yandi Andri Yatmo
Facilitator(s) Cahyo Wilis Candrawan

Selayar Lookout


Selayar Lookout
