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UWM Union Way Finding

UWM Union Wayfinding
Signage Project for Experimental Typography Class (Spring 2011)

This project looks at the legibility and usability of the wayfinding system in the UWM Union.  The current system in the Union is very disorganized, inaccurate, and attempts to “band-aid” the past inaccuracies of the system.  In order to more accurately identify what is important to the students that use the Union, Scott Gore, the Union Director, provided some results to a Regeneration Survey.  The results of this survey proved that the current signage was a major issue and needed to be addressed. 

The switch to alphabetically chronological floor names establishes a new floor numbering system that does not interfere with the current system, so as to not confuse current students by using past floor names if this design were implemented. When looking at the directory, the floor you are currently on is highlighted in black, with the floor name on the opposite side of the rest of the floor names.  The symbols being used are larger on the left-hand side so you can look quickly but don’t need to know the exact room number.  The symbols are repeated next to the room numbers for those who have reading disabilities.

Hierarchy also places a large role in wayfinding. In this directory, you will see that the final design incorporates three levels of hierarchy in a three dimensional way. The closest layer to you is the level you are currently on.

UWM Union Way Finding

UWM Union Way Finding

This was a very open ended project that lead me in a direction towards working on improving the UWM Union way finding system.
